Yeltsin. A Revolutionary Life

"In his ambitious and perfectly timed new biography...Aron sets out to reclaim Yeltsin from the cartoonists and establish his importance as the instrument of a profound transformation of Russia. It is a complex and nuanced portrait, not adoring but unabashedly admiring. A godsend . . . a fine, full-blooded political portrait" – Bill Keller, New York Times
Yeltsin : A revolutionary life / Aron Leon. – New York: HarperCollins, 2000. – XXIII, 934 p. – ISBN: 0312251858
Table of Contents
List of Illustrations
Part I :A Man from Sverdlovsk
- To Survive, to Dare, to Succeed!
- The Builder
- The Pervyi
Part II: The Bellwether
- Perestroika, Mark I
- Antaeus
- The Year of Truth
- America, America
Part III: The Storm
- The Year of Choice
- Rolling Up the Sleeves, Raising the Fists
Part IV: In Power
- The Revolution
- The President vs. the Soviet
- The Nadir
- Campaign '96: Choosing Russia's Fate
- The Last Struggle
- Epilogue: In Search of a Historic Yeltsin
Brief Chronology
*- The American Enterprise Institute
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